
Identify keurig model by sn
Identify keurig model by sn

In the final decision, farmers have been adopted the SO program due to reliable factors to enhance the SOĬollective action development, such as (1) farmer institutional improvement (0.425), (2) farmer technical skill improvement These services went far beyond the individual position to adopt the SO Production, including some regulations and sanctions. It was found the collective action through farmers groups allowed farmers to set up the attributes of coffee Methods performed included indepth interviews with coffee professionals aimed to assess different public policies resulting more efficiency of SO coffee on theįarms’ economies added by analysis hierarchy process (AHP) and questioner given to 134 farmers to find the factors contributing These limitations by creating more focused labels through single origin (SO) specialty coffee. However, farmers only enjoy a limited direct benefitįrom GI certification, instead coffee’s economic rent is still captured largely by exporters. Protect the markets open to small scale farmers and sustain their production. The protection of coffee products by labels named geographic indications (GI) is often presented as one option to Further studies are necessary to explore the effect of GI development programmes on local farmers’ situations. This paper found that the GI-based agroindustry development in Indonesia still largely focuses on pursuing formal institutions of GI labelling while empowering local actors still received little attention. The degree of participation framework that consists of 1) informing, 2) consultation, and 3) empowering is used to analyse the three cases to answer the paper’s question. Interviews with some representatives of the Community of GI Protection (MPIG) and the local business community from each case were conducted, supported by the information received from government actors, academics and practitioners. To this end, this paper addresses the question of to what extent have the GI development programmes in Indonesia pursued the participation of local actors? In doing so, we focus on dissecting three agro-based GI products located in three different areas in Indonesia as case studies. As GI is a community-based intellectual property, the participation of local actors is considered important in GI development to pursue sustainable agroindustry. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, GI has been put on the radar screen since the 2000s, marked by the establishment of government regulation at the national level, followed by various programmes to assist communities to pursue GI labels for their unique local products. Geographical Indication (GI), a product labelling tool based on a specific geographical origin, has gained traction in many developed countries. While one intention of GIs is to assert a moral claim over the geographical and cultural property embodied in consumer products, they require far greater engagement with extra-legal moral conventions throughout the value chain to achieve rural development outcomes. The GIs, however, do appear to deliver intangible benefits for some stakeholders in terms of promoting a sense of regional pride and cultural identity.

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This poor developmental performance is explained in terms of the inability of local institutional settings supporting the GIs to strategically couple with the actor practices of lead firms in the coffee sector. Based on an assessment of indicators along a logical impact pathway, our study finds little evidence, and a limited likelihood, of tangible economic benefits for coffee growers resulting from current GIs in Indonesia, at least in the immediate future. This article applies the concepts of value capture and strategic coupling from the Global Production Networks (GPN) literature to assess the developmental impacts of formally-registered (protected) GIs in the Indonesian coffee sector. As such, they are often promoted as a development initiative for lagging rural communities to improve livelihoods and alleviate poverty.

identify keurig model by sn identify keurig model by sn identify keurig model by sn

Geographical Indications (GIs) are a form of collective intellectual property through which, it is anticipated, producers can capture the place-related value embodied within a product.

Identify keurig model by sn